
We have worked out how you can buy art supplies for your creative loved ones that teach you too…

Where else can you buy your art supplies and give the gift of learning how to use them at the same time? Artable is having a 1 Day Christmas Sale on Sunday 29 November. I can't stand it when I have to see all my Christmas purchases discounted the day after Christmas. So This year we are shaking it up.

For 1 day only, we will have the cheapest art supplies in SE QLD and in addition to that we will be giving you FREE classes and workshops with purchases, not all, but many! We want you to give your arty gift to someone but also get them going on how to use their new gift. We are in the unique position that we can offer this and at a time when we have just secured the largest line up of classes and workshops ever.

Come along and say hello this Sunday.

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