
Don’t put it off another year - start your creative journey now with our Learn to Draw Workshop

Each year I hear time and time again from people that have always wanted to learn how to draw or how to paint. People that have put it off for years. Jobs got in the way, children needed to be raised, family needed more time and so on. I also hear each year from many students that joined us for our workshops how they wished that they should have started years ago. That they should have made the time for their art, for their creativity, and simply time just for themselves.

The other things that we hear time and time again is that so many of you just don't believe that it is possible to learn to draw and learn to paint. I have been teaching for many years now and I have yet to find someone who couldn't hold a pencil and follow the instructions!

It's true, learning how to draw is all about learning an easy 4 step process of what materials to use, how to use them and then what to look for. Once you take the anxiety out of things with an actual process with valid steps to follow, things become a little clearer for most people. 

Even in just one day, you can learn enough to get yourself going and then it is just down to practice, practice, practice!

I hope we see you soon - our first Learn to Draw workshop is on 4 February and you can book here Learn to Draw Workshop

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